Kelkan architecture


Crafting Winter Comfort: Sustainable Home Design for Cosy Living

Architectural representation of mind body and soul

As the chill of winter sets in, the functioning of our homes becomes so much more important. Here’s how thoughtful architectural design can ensure your home is a warm haven of comfort and well-being for conscientiously living.

Insulation is a must for sustainable home design. Thickly insulated walls and roofs provide strong barriers which trap precious heat inside. Add north-facing windows to welcome the winter sun’s gentle rays and bathe your space in natural light and warmth.

Thoroughly seal air gaps around the windows, doors and construction elements to prevent chilly drafts and leakage of warm air. Ensure adequate ventilation to combat moisture build-up, condensation and stale air.

Thermal mass using materials like concrete and brick, are able to absorb daytime heat and release it gradually throughout the day and into the night, helping to maintain a more even and comfortable temperature.

Windows are a weak point, so opt for double glazing, heavy drapes or cellular shades for additional insulation from the cold of night. Add warm colours and textures for feelings of warmth.

Underfoot heating adds comfort, directing the heat to your feet rather than your head. These systems are invisible, don’t circulate dust, and help prevent mould. Choose high energy efficient systems.

By harnessing these ideas, your home will stay cosy, conserve energy and reduce your environmental footprint. Imagine in the middle of winter, having time for warm coco and biscuits, looking out into a frosty garden, feeling “How glad I am to be here, warm and cosy - sustainably”. How could this not elevate your mood and enhance your overall sense of well-being?


Kelkan architecture, 03 9380 6372, 657 Station Street North Carlton Vic.